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File Operations SDK Methods

In this section, we will learn about all the available File Operations methods provided by the SDK.


  1. Initialize the SDK before using wallet methods. See the Quick Start Guide for details.
  2. All methods require a wallet. Refer to createWallet for more information.
  3. All methods require a domain parameter, which is the network domain where your wallet and providers such as blobbers, sharders, miners, and validators are deployed. GoSDK will send requests to this domain.

File Operations Methods

The file operation methods allow you to perform various operations on files.


Retrieves the lookup hash for a specific file path in an allocation. The lookup hash is used to uniquely identify a file in the allocation.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to check
filePathstringPath of the file in the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details

Return Type



import { getLookupHash } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const lookupHash = await getLookupHash({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
filePath: '/my-folder/my-file.txt',


Creates a directory on blobbers at the specified remote path.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID where the directory will be created
remotePathstringThe remote path where the directory will be created


import { createDir } from '@zerochain/sdk'

await createDir({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
remotePath: '/my-folder/new-directory'


Sets the upload mode to modify the upload speed and CPU usage. The upload mode determines the trade-off between upload speed and resource consumption.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the upload
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
mode0 | 1 | 2Upload mode:
- 0: Low (slow uploads, consumes less CPU & memory)
- 1: Medium (default)
- 2: High (high-speed uploads, consumes more CPU & memory)


import { setUploadMode } from '@zerochain/sdk'

await setUploadMode({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
mode: 2 // High speed uploads, but will consume more CPU & memory


Uploads multiple files in a batch. Files within a batch are uploaded in parallel. A single batch can handle up to 50 files at once. If you need to upload more than 50 files, the GoSDK will automatically create and manage multiple batches for you.

This method also supports resuming a paused upload. To resume, use the exact same bulkUploadOptions parameters that were initially used to start the upload. Only these original parameters should be provided when resuming the operation.

  1. Always ensure you do not exceed the batch size limit of 50 files. This is strongly advised because, in an upcoming GoSDK versions, the methods like cancelUpload and pauseUpload will rely on the batchId of the 50-file batch to perform their operations.
  2. Only one batch upload can be in progress at a time.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the upload
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
bulkUploadOptionsBulkUploadOption[]Array of upload options for each file

BulkUploadOption Type

type BulkUploadOption = {
allocationId: string
webstreaming: boolean
isUpdate: boolean
isRepair: boolean
/** Number of blocks to upload per request */
numBlocks: number
file: File
remotePath: string
/** Whether to encrypt the file */
encrypt: boolean
thumbnailBytes: number[]
/** Callback function will be invoked with progress updates */
callback?: (
totalBytes: number,
completedBytes: number,
fileName: string,
blobURL: string,
error: string
) => void

Callback Parameters

totalBytesnumberTotal bytes to upload
completedBytesnumberBytes uploaded so far
fileNamestringName of the file being uploaded
blobURLstringURL of the blobber being used for upload
errorstringError message, if any

Return Type

Promise<{ success?: boolean; error?: string }>


import { multiUpload } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const result = await multiUpload({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
bulkUploadOptions: [
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
webstreaming: false,
isUpdate: false,
isRepair: false,
numBlocks: 100,
file: new File(['file content'], 'file1.txt'),
remotePath: '/my-folder/file1.txt',
encrypt: true,
thumbnailBytes: [],
callback: (totalBytes, completedBytes, fileName, blobURL, error) => {
console.log(`Upload progress for ${fileName}: ${completedBytes}/${totalBytes} bytes`);
if (error) {
console.error(`Error: ${error}`);
// Add more files here ...

if (result.success) {
console.log('Upload completed successfully');
} else {
console.error(`Upload failed: ${result.error}`);


Pauses the upload operation of a file.

To resume the upload, call the multiUpload method with the same bulkUploadOptions parameter again.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the upload
allocationIdstringAllocation ID where the file is being uploaded
remotePathstringRemote path of the file to pause


import { pauseUpload } from '@zerochain/sdk'

await pauseUpload({
wallet: activeWallet,
domain: '',
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
remotePath: '/my-folder/file1.txt'


Cancels the upload operation of a file.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the upload
allocationIdstringAllocation ID where the file is being uploaded
remotePathstringRemote path of the file to cancel


import { cancelUpload } from '@zerochain/sdk'

await cancelUpload({
wallet: activeWallet,
domain: '',
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
remotePath: '/my-folder/file1.txt'


Retrieves details for a file in an allocation.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID where the file is located
remotePathstringRemote path of the file to retrieve details for

Return Type



import { getFileStats } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const fileStats = await getFileStats({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
remotePath: '/my-folder/file1.txt'


Lists the files for a given allocation ID and remote path.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to list files from
remotePathstringRemote path of the directory to list
offsetnumberPagination offset for the list. Use 0 to turn off pagination.0
pageLimitnumberNumber of items per page. Use -1 to turn off pagination.-1

Return Type



import { listObjects } from '@zerochain/sdk'

// list all files in a directory `/my-folder` without pagination
const listResult = await listObjects({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
remotePath: '/my-folder',


Retrieves file metadata by name (file search). This method allows you to search for files within an allocation by their name and optionally modify the returned file references.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to search within
fileNamestringName of the file to search for
modifyFileRef(file: FileRefByName) => TOptional function to modify the returned file references

Return Type

Promise<T[] | FileRefByName[]>


import { getFileMetaByName } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const fileMetadata = await getFileMetaByName({
wallet: activeWallet,
domain: '',
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
fileName: 'file1.txt',
modifyFileRef: (file) => ({
customField: 'customValue' // Add custom fields if needed


Downloads multiple files in parallel in a batch. This method supports downloading files directly to disk (if supported by the browser) and provides progress updates via a callback function.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the download
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID where the files are located
authTicketstringRequired only for downloading shared files (non-owner)''
multiDownloadOptionsMultiDownloadOption[]Array of download options for each file
callback(totalBytes: number, completedBytes: number, fileName: string, blobURL: string, error?: string) => voidCallback function invoked with progress updates

MultiDownloadOption Type

type MultiDownloadOption = {
/** Remote path of the file to be downloaded */
remotePath: string
/** Local path where the file should be stored (optional) */
localPath?: string
/** Download operation type */
downloadType: 'file' | 'thumbnail'
/** Number of blocks to download per request */
numBlocks?: number
/** Required only for file download with an auth ticket */
remoteFileName: string
/** Lookup hash for remote file, required for auth ticket downloads */
remoteLookupHash?: string
/** Whether to download the file directly to disk (not supported on Safari) */
downloadToDisk: boolean
/** Suggested name for the file when downloading to disk (optional) */
suggestedName?: string

Callback Parameters

totalBytesnumberTotal bytes to download
completedBytesnumberBytes downloaded so far
fileNamestringName of the file being downloaded
blobURLstringURL of the downloaded file
errorstringError message, if any

Return Type


DownloadCommandResponse Type

type DownloadCommandResponse = {
commandSuccess: boolean
error?: string
/** Name of the downloaded file */
fileName?: string
/** Blob URL of the downloaded file */
url?: string


import { multiDownload } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const downloadResponses = await multiDownload({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
multiDownloadOptions: [
remotePath: '/my-folder/file1.txt',
downloadType: 'file',
numBlocks: 100,
remoteFileName: 'file1.txt',
downloadToDisk: true,
suggestedName: 'file1.txt'
// Add more download options as needed
callback: (totalBytes, completedBytes, fileName, blobURL, error) => {
console.log(`Download progress for ${fileName}: ${completedBytes}/${totalBytes} bytes`);
if (error) {
console.error(`Error: ${error}`);


Downloads a specified range of blocks from a file. This method is useful for downloading specific parts of a file, such as for resuming downloads or streaming.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the download
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID where the file is located
remotePathstringRemote path of the file to download
authTicketstringRequired only for downloading shared files (non-owner)''
lookupHashstringLookup hash of the file, used to locate the file if remotePath and allocationId are not provided
writeChunkFunc(lookupHash: string, chunk: Uint8Array, offset: number) => voidFunction to handle downloaded chunks
startBlocknumberStarting block number to download
endBlocknumberEnding block number to download

Return Type



import { downloadBlocks } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const writeChunkFunc = (lookupHash: string, chunk: Uint8Array, offset: number) => {
console.log(`Received chunk for ${lookupHash} at offset ${offset}`);
// Handle the chunk (e.g., save to disk or process further)

const downloadedBlocks = await downloadBlocks({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
remotePath: '/my-folder/file1.txt',
startBlock: 0,
endBlock: 10

console.log('Downloaded blocks:', downloadedBlocks);


Cancels the download of a specified range of blocks from a file. This method is used to stop an ongoing block download initiated by the downloadBlocks method.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the download
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID associated with the file
remotePathstringRemote path where the file is located
startnumberStart block number previously used in the downloadBlocks call
endnumberEnd block number previously used in the downloadBlocks call


import { cancelDownloadBlocks } from '@zerochain/sdk'

await cancelDownloadBlocks({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
remotePath: '/my-folder/file1.txt',
start: 0,
end: 10


Downloads files in a directory recursively. This method supports downloading all files/folders in a specified directory and provides progress updates via a callback function.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the download
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID where the directory is located
authTicketstringRequired only for downloading shared directories (non-owner)''
remotePathstringRemote path of the directory to download
callback(totalBytes: number, completedBytes: number, fileName: string, blobURL: string, error?: string) => voidCallback function invoked with progress updates

Callback Parameters

totalBytesnumberTotal bytes to download
completedBytesnumberBytes downloaded so far
fileNamestringName of the file being downloaded
blobURLstringURL of the downloaded file
errorstringError message, if any


import { downloadDirectory } from '@zerochain/sdk'

await downloadDirectory({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
remotePath: '/my-folder',
callback: (totalBytes, completedBytes, fileName, blobURL, error) => {
console.log(`Download progress for ${fileName}: ${completedBytes}/${totalBytes} bytes`);
if (error) {
console.error(`Error: ${error}`);


Cancels the download of a directory initiated by downloadDirectory.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the download
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
remotePathstringRemote path of the directory to cancel


import { cancelDownloadDirectory } from '@zerochain/sdk'

await cancelDownloadDirectory({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
remotePath: '/my-folder'


Performs multiple operations (copy, move, delete, create directory) together in a single batch.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the operations
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID where the operations will be performed
operationsMultiOperationOption[]Array of operations to perform

MultiOperationOption Type

type MultiOperationOption = {
/** Type of operation: 'copy', 'move', 'delete', or 'createdir' */
operationType: 'copy' | 'move' | 'delete' | 'createdir'
/** Remote path of the file/directory */
remotePath: string
/** Destination name (only for rename operation) */
destName?: string
/** Destination path (required for copy and move operations) */
destPath?: string


import { multiOperation } from '@zerochain/sdk'

await multiOperation({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
operations: [
operationType: 'copy',
remotePath: '/my-folder/file1.txt',
destPath: '/my-folder/copy-file1.txt'
operationType: 'delete',
remotePath: '/my-folder/file2.txt'
operationType: 'createdir',
remotePath: '/my-folder/new-directory'


Deletes a file from an allocation. Only the owner of the allocation can delete a file.


To perform multiple deletions in a single call, use the multiOperation method instead.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the operation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID where the file is located
remotePathstringRemote path of the file to delete

Return Type

Promise<{ commandSuccess: boolean; error: string }>


import { deleteFile } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const result = await deleteFile({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
remotePath: '/my-folder/file1.txt'

if (result.commandSuccess) {
console.log('File deleted successfully');
} else {
console.error(`Error: ${result.error}`);


Generates an authTicket that provides authorization to the holder to access the specified file on the remote path. This method is used to share files with other users.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the operation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID where the file is located
remotePathstringRemote path of the file to be shared
clientIdstringClient ID / wallet ID of the recipient (for private sharing)""
encryptionPublicKeystringEncryption public key of the recipient (for private sharing)""
expirationnumberExpiration time of the auth ticket (in Unix timestamp seconds. e.g. 1647858200). Defaults to 0 (no expiration)0
revokebooleanWhether to revoke the share. (for private sharing)false
availableAfterstringTime after which the share becomes available. Possible formats:
1. Relative time with duration format (local timezone):
- +1h5m → Now + 1 hour 5 minutes
- +30s → Now + 30 seconds
- +2h → Now + 2 hours
2. Relative time with total seconds (local timezone):
- +3900 → Now + 3900 seconds (1 hour 5 minutes)
- +86400 → Now + 1 day (24 hours)
3. Unix timestamp (UTC-based):
- 1647858200 → Parses as a Unix timestamp
4. Absolute UTC datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss):
- 2022-03-21 10:21:38 → Parses as March 21, 2022, 10:21:38 UTC

Return Type



import { share } from '@zerochain/sdk'

// Public share
const authTicket = await share({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
remotePath: '/my-folder/file1.txt',

// Private share
await share({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
remotePath: '/my-folder/file1.txt',
clientId: recipientWalletId,
encryptionPublicKey: recipientEncryptionPublicKey,


Lists objects from an auth ticket. This method is useful for accessing a shared source by a non-owner.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the operation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID where the shared source is located
authTicketstringAuth ticket provided by a non-owner to access a shared source
lookupHashstringLookup hash for the file
offsetnumberPagination offset for the list. Use 0 to turn off pagination.0
pageLimitnumberNumber of items per page. Use -1 to turn off pagination.-1

Return Type



import { listObjectsFromAuthTicket } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const listResult = await listObjectsFromAuthTicket({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
authTicket: authTicketOfTheSharedFileOrFolder,
lookupHash: lookupHashOfTheSharedFileOrFolder,