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Allocation Storage SDK Methods

In this section, we will learn about all the available Allocation Storage methods provided by the SDK.


  1. Initialize the SDK before using wallet methods. See the Quick Start Guide for details.
  2. All methods require a wallet. Refer to createWallet for more information.
  3. All methods require a domain parameter, which is the network domain where your wallet and providers such as blobbers, sharders, miners, and validators are deployed. GoSDK will send requests to this domain.

Allocation Storage Methods

The allocation storage methods allow you to create, update, and manage allocations.


Creates an allocation with the specified allocation terms and preferred blobber IDs.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive wallet details
dataShardsnumberNumber of data shards. Data uploaded to the allocation will be split and distributed across these shards.
parityShardsnumberNumber of parity shards. Parity shards are used to replicate data shards for redundancy.
sizenumberSize of the allocation in bytes
minReadPricenumberMinimum read price
maxReadPricenumberMaximum read price
minWritePricenumberMinimum write price
maxWritePricenumberMaximum write price
locknumberLock value to add to the allocation. Use getAllocationMinLock to calculate this value
blobberIdsstring[]List of blobber IDs of your preferred blobbers for the allocation[]
blobberAuthTicketsstring[]List of blobber auth tickets in case of using restricted blobbers
setThirdPartyExtendablebooleanDetermines whether third-parties are allowed to update the allocation's size and expiration property. When true, third-parties (e.g., 0box) can modify the allocation.
isEnterprisebooleanWhether it's an enterprise allocation
forcebooleanDetermines whether the allocation creation should proceed even if the available blobbers are insufficient to meet the required data + parity conditions. Use with caution as it may reduce fault tolerance.false

To determine minReadPrice, maxReadPrice, minWritePrice, and maxWritePrice, use the makeSCRestAPICall SDK method to call the /storage-config endpoint of the sharder smart contract.


The force parameter should be used with caution. Setting it to true may result in allocations with lower redundancy and reliability.

Return Type



import { createAllocation } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const allocation = await createAllocation({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
dataShards: 4,
parityShards: 2,
size: 2147483648, // 2 GB
minReadPrice: 0,
maxReadPrice: 100,
minWritePrice: 0.001,
maxWritePrice: 100,
lock: minLock,
blobberIds: ['blobber1', 'blobber2'],
blobberAuthTickets: ['ticket1', 'ticket2'],
setThirdPartyExtendable: true,
isEnterprise: false,
force: false


Retrieves the minimum lock value for the allocation creation. The lock value is the amount of tokens that the client needs to lock in the allocation's write pool to be able to pay for the write operations.


domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive wallet details
dataShardsnumberNumber of data shards
parityShardsnumberNumber of parity shards
sizenumberSize of the allocation in bytes
maxWritePricenumberMaximum write price

To determine maxWritePrice, use the makeSCRestAPICall SDK method to call the /storage-config endpoint of the sharder smart contract.

Return Type

minLock token amount in terms of SAS tokens



import { getAllocationMinLock } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const minLock = await getAllocationMinLock({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
dataShards: 4,
parityShards: 2,
size: 2147483648, // 2 GB
maxWritePrice: 100


Lists all the allocations.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocations
walletActiveWalletActive wallet details

Return Type



import { listAllocations } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const allocations = await listAllocations({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet


Gets allocation details using allocationId from cache. If not found in cache, it fetches from the blockchain and stores in cache.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive wallet details
allocationIdstringID of the allocation to fetch

Return Type



import { getAllocation } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const allocation = await getAllocation({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3'


Reloads allocation details using allocationId from the blockchain and updates the cache.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringID of the allocation to reload

Return Type



import { reloadAllocation } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const allocation = await reloadAllocation({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3'


Retrieves the information of a free allocation or a shared allocation given the auth ticket.

  • Free allocation: An allocation created for the user using the Vult app for the first time with no fees.
  • Shared allocation: An allocation that has shared files. The user accessing these files needs to read the allocation information using an auth ticket.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
authTicketstringAuth ticket, used by a non-owner to access shared files

Return Type



import { getAllocationWith } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const allocation = await getAllocationWith({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
authTicket: sharedFilesAuthTicket


Freezes one of the client's allocations, given its ID. Freezing the allocation will forbid all operations on the files in the allocation. Allocation will be read-only


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to freeze

Return Type



import { freezeAllocation } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const transactionHash = await freezeAllocation({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3'


Cancels an allocation using allocationId.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive wallet to authorize the cancellation
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to cancel

Return Type



import { cancelAllocation } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const transactionHash = await cancelAllocation({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: allocId


Updates the allocation settings.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to update
sizenumberNew size of the allocation in bytes
extendbooleanWhether to extend the allocation's expiration date. Use the same extend value as when calling getUpdateAllocationMinLock
locknumberLock value to add to the allocation. Use getUpdateAllocationMinLock to calculate this value.
addBlobberIdstringBlobber ID to add to the allocation""
addBlobberAuthTicketstringBlobber auth ticket to add, in case of restricted blobbers""
removeBlobberIdstringBlobber ID to remove from the allocation""
ownerSigningPublicKeystring | undefinedOptional ECDSA Public key of the user who created that allocation. It’s used for signature verification. If not provided, GoSDK will generate one""
setThirdPartyExtendablebooleanIf true, a non-owner client can extend the allocation (in terms of size). When set to true, third-parties / a non-owner client (e.g., 0box) can update / modify the allocation




const transactionHash = await updateAllocation({  
allocationId: allocationId,
size: sizeOfChosenStoragePlan,
extend: true,
lock: zcnAmountOfStoragePlan,
addBlobberId: addBlobberId,
addBlobberAuthTicket: addBlobberAuthTicket,
removeBlobberId: removeBlobberId,
setThirdPartyExtendable: false,


Updates your allocation settings and repairs the allocation if any blobber was replaced or added to the allocation.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to update
sizenumberNew size of the allocation in bytes
extendbooleanExtend flag, whether to extend the allocation's expiration date. Use the same extend value as when calling getUpdateAllocationMinLockfalse
locknumberLock value to add to the allocation. Use getUpdateAllocationMinLock to calculate this value.
addBlobberIdstringBlobber ID to add to the allocation""
addBlobberAuthTicketstringBlobber auth ticket to add to the allocation, in case of restricted blobbers""
removeBlobberIdstringBlobber ID to remove from the allocation""
ownerSigningPublicKeystringOptional ECDSA Public key of the user who created the allocation. Used for signature verification. If not provided, GoSDK will generate one.""
updateAllocTicketstringOptional update allocation ticket. Refer to getUpdateAllocTicket""
callback(totalBytes: number, completedBytes: number, fileName: string, blobURL: string, error: string) => voidCallback function invoked with repair progress updates

Return Type


Callback Parameters

totalBytesnumberTotal bytes to repair
completedBytesnumberBytes repaired so far
fileNamestringName of the file being repaired
blobURLstringURL of the blobber being used for repair
errorstringError message, if any


import { updateAllocationWithRepair } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const transactionHash = await updateAllocationWithRepair({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
size: desiredSize,
extend: shouldExtendExpiry,
lock: minLock,
addBlobberId: addBlobberId,
addBlobberAuthTicket: addBlobberAuthTicket,
removeBlobberId: removeBlobberId,
updateAllocTicket: updateAllocTicket,
callback: (totalBytes, completedBytes, fileName, blobURL, error) => {
console.log(`Repair progress: ${completedBytes}/${totalBytes} bytes`);
if (error) {
console.error(`Error: ${error}`);


Retrieves the minimum lock value for the allocation after an update, as calculated by the network based on the update parameters. The lock value is the amount of tokens that the client needs to lock in the allocation's write pool to be able to pay for the write operations.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to update
sizenumberNew size of the allocation in bytes
extendbooleanExtend flag, whether to extend the allocation's expiration date
addBlobberIdstringBlobber ID to add to the allocation
removeBlobberIdstringBlobber ID to remove from the allocation

Return Type

minLock token amount in terms of SAS tokens



import { getUpdateAllocationMinLock } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const minLock = await getUpdateAllocationMinLock({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
size: 2147483648, // 2 GB
extend: shouldExtendExpiry,
addBlobberId: 'blobber1',
removeBlobberId: 'blobber2'


Updates the permissions of an allocation.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to update
forbidUploadbooleanIf true, uploading files to the allocation is forbidden
forbidDeletebooleanIf true, deleting files from the allocation is forbidden
forbidUpdatebooleanIf true, updating files in the allocation is forbidden
forbidMovebooleanIf true, moving files in the allocation is forbidden
forbidCopybooleanIf true, copying files in the allocation is forbidden
forbidRenamebooleanIf true, renaming files in the allocation is forbidden

Return Type



import { updateForbidAllocation } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const transactionHash = await updateForbidAllocation({
wallet: activeWallet,
domain: '',
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
forbidUpload: true,
forbidDelete: false,
forbidUpdate: false,
forbidMove: true,
forbidCopy: false,
forbidRename: true


Generates and signs an "Update Allocation ticket", which authorizes the "add blobber" or "replace blobber" operation from other wallets.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to update
userIdstringUserID is the wallet ID which will be allowed to update your allocation
operationTypereplace_blobber | add_blobberType of operation
roundExpirynumberRound expiry is the round after which the auth ticket will no longer be valid.

Return Type



import { getUpdateAllocTicket } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const authTicket = await getUpdateAllocTicket({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
userId: actorWalletId,
operationType: 'add_blobber',
roundExpiry: 1000


Checks the health status of the allocation.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
allocationIdstringID of the allocation to check the health status for.

Return Type


AllocStatus Type

type AllocStatus = {
* The health `status` of the allocation has one of the following values:
* - `ok`: The allocation is healthy and fully functional.
* - `repair`: The allocation needs to be repaired. Repair using the `repairAllocation` method.
* - `broken`: The allocation is irreparably broken. This occurs when critical data blocks are missing or when blobbers are offline, making recovery impossible.
status: 'ok' | 'repair' | 'broken'
blobberStatus: {
ID: string
Status: 'available' | 'unavailable'
error: string


import { checkAllocStatus } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const allocStatus = await checkAllocStatus({
wallet: activeWallet,
domain: '',
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3'

console.log(allocStatus.status); // 'ok', 'repair', or 'broken'


Skips the health status check of the allocation.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to skip status check for
checkStatusbooleanFlag to enable or disable status check


import { skipStatusCheck } from '@zerochain/sdk'

await skipStatusCheck({
wallet: activeWallet,
domain: '',
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
checkStatus: false // Disable status check


Repairs the allocation by re-uploading missing blocks to its blobbers. Allocation repair is a process to ensure the integrity and availability of files in the allocation.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to repair
callback(totalBytes: number, completedBytes: number, fileName: string, blobURL: string, error: string) => voidCallback function invoked with repair progress updates

Callback Parameters

totalBytesnumberTotal bytes to repair
completedBytesnumberBytes repaired so far
fileNamestringName of the file being repaired
blobURLstringURL of the blobber being used for repair
errorstringError message, if any


import { repairAllocation } from '@zerochain/sdk'

await repairAllocation({
wallet: activeWallet,
domain: '',
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
callback: (totalBytes, completedBytes, fileName, blobURL, error) => {
console.log(`Repair progress: ${completedBytes}/${totalBytes} bytes`);
if (error) {
console.error(`Error: ${error}`);


Retrieves the repair size for a specific path in an allocation. The repair size is the size of the data that needs to be repaired in the blobbers of the allocation.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to check
remotePathstringPath in the allocation to check for repair size

Return Type

Promise<{ upload_size: number; download_size: number }>


import { repairSize } from '@zerochain/sdk'

const repairSizes = await repairSize({
domain: '',
wallet: activeWallet,
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3',
remotePath: '/my-folder'

console.log(`Upload size: ${repairSizes.upload_size}, Download size: ${repairSizes.download_size}`);


Used to manually create local upload workers for an allocation. These workers are used to handle operations for the allocation. Terminate workers if the allocation is no longer needed using terminateWorkers.

  1. There is no need to manually call createWorkers as it is automatically invoked when an upload begins.
  2. To free up resources, make sure to call terminateWorkers once the allocation is no longer required.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to create workers for


import { createWorkers } from '@zerochain/sdk'

await createWorkers({
wallet: activeWallet,
domain: '',
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3'


Removes local upload workers for a particular allocation.


Use this method to free up resources when switching between allocations, especially when uploads for the previously active allocation have completed or are no longer in progress.


NameTypeDescriptionDefault value
walletActiveWalletActive Wallet details
domainNetworkDomainNetwork domain for the allocation
allocationIdstringAllocation ID to terminate workers for


import { terminateWorkers } from '@zerochain/sdk'

await terminateWorkers({
wallet: activeWallet,
domain: '',
allocationId: '8695f8af52cdfc1e66d879407a5278703579d31de7ce0e2cf1707fdec9cc14c3'